Wednesday 10 July 2013

Giving Back - Supporting a Horse rescue

Abbie's Donation to the J&M Horse Rescue - a Lesson learned in how to give back to your community... The Rescue proudly posted the donations and greeting on their FB page.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Today's Schoolwork


Completed: Jump Math Book 4.2
Patterns & Algebra pages 1-21
Number Sense Pages 22-95
Measurement Pages 97 - 131
Probability & Data Management Pages 132-147
Geometry Pages 148-174
Patterns and Algebra Pages 175-198
Number Sense Pages  Pages 200-249 (FRACTIONS)

riding basics

Thursday 20 June 2013

Little House in the Big Woods - chapters 1-3

Lap Book in progress .... Pages 1 - 198 read Next Chapter -> HARVEST

A prayer

Heavenly Father Jesus and Holy Spirit,

I thank you for my house, the place I get fed, the place I get dressed and bathed.

It keeps me and my family safe.... I thank you Lord for everything... Amen

Our messy yard from moving :P 

Friday 7 June 2013

Tuesday 4 June 2013



social studies


Social Studies



Social Studies Outlooks Four Our Beginnings

ALL Finished!

Table of Contents: 
Getting Along
Describing Your World
Living in the World
 Since the Beginning of Time
 Where Cedars Meet the Sea
 Into the Interior
Sailing into Adventure!
Welcoming the Explorers
The Fur Trade
Contact and Change
Today and Tomorrow

Riding Basics

Saturday 1 June 2013


Principles of Healthy Eating:


Think about a Healthy Day, when do you get up, when do you sleep, what do you eat, what activities would you be doing? Create a 'My Healthy Day Poster' include all of the things in your healthy day ....

A poem for Abbie

Please go to this link and read this wonderful poem written by another HCOS student titled "Horses" (She is in grade 7).  Then write your own poem about horses...

Click Here to read Horses by Sarah de Hoog

Monday 25 March 2013

Sunday 24 March 2013

Thursday 14 March 2013

Faith -Matthew 25:34-36

Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.' -Matthew 25:34-36 

Write this passage out on paper and make a frame for it with construction paper.

Then Visit this site to learn how YOU can feed starving children! Click here

Lines, Rays, and Angles

Wednesday 13 March 2013

The French Explorers of Canada Champlain

The French Explorers of Canada Champlain  - VIDEO

An Introduction to Samuel de Champlain [01:43]       
Exploration and Colonization in North America (1564-1600) [01:33]       
The First Expedition of Champlain: The Start of the French Fur Trade [02:09]       
The Second Expedition of Champlain: The Founding of the Colony of Acadia (1604-1607) [01:54]        The Third Expedition of Champlain: The Founding of the Colony of New France (1608) [02:40]       
European Colonization of North America (1608-1635) [03:34]       
Video Quiz: Samuel de Champlain, “The Father of New France” (1567-1635) [00:51]

Social Studies - Outlooks 4

Pages 132- 135

What Really Happened
First Sightings
Making Contact Timeline 1490-1150

Thursday 7 March 2013

Social Studies - What really Happened

Read pages 132 to 133 Out Loud Answer the questions on page 133 (Think for yourself) with Melissa ( Just a Discussion) Read Pages 135-135 Copy the Time line (create your own) on a white piece of paper it should be at least 15 cm long.

Monday 4 March 2013

This mornings homeschool roundup

Novels - Read one chapter of Little House in the Big Woods
Math- Two Pages Jump Math
PE - Horse Time

Daily Activity - Horse Love

Daily Activity - One hour of brushing, mucking, sweeping and exercising every single day :-) Majuella arrived yesterday ! Happy new horsey foster mom 'Abbie'

Monday 18 February 2013

Busy Homeschooler

Science Probe - Observing properties of Light

Science Probe Chapter 5  - We can observe the Properties of Light

Read Pages 96  to 101

Watch the video Out of Darkness: An Introduction to Light Click Here

For Mr T :)
Video Curriculum standards  Will need to log into HCOS account to see them :-)


Complete Pages114 & 115 of your Jump Math Book

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Science Light and Sound Chapter 4 quiz

After you finish the review pages you can take the quiz  -> Click here 

MARK 12/12  Woot Woot !!

Saturday 26 January 2013

PE- healthy Eating

We watched this together and talked about healthy fats versus unhealthy fats and the effects of sugars and chemically altered foods. Then we made our very own JUICE :-)

Thursday 24 January 2013

Science - Light

Observing Mini Fire Works
Try This, Page 79
Science Probe 4

What do you see?
Bursting lights, the stick burning red, a  reflection.

What can you hear?
fizzling sound

What  can you smell?

What can you feel?
Warmth, the light didn't hurt my hand.

The Little House in the Big Woods


Below is a list of members of Laura's family... Describe each family member:

1) Charles. He builds the home and gets food. He's Laura;s Dad. He protects the family. He is a happy dad. He tells his children stories.

2) Carolin: She is Laura's Mom. She was in charge of the cooking. She teaches her children, she gardens, she sews and she looks after the family.

3) Mary - Is Laura's big sister

4) Laura - Is the main character

5) Carrie - Is Laura's baby sister

Who are Jack and Black Susan?
Jack is Laura's dog he guards the house and garden. Black Susan is the cat.

Science - Natural Light

Read pages 82 - 87 of your science Probe text book.

What is the main source of natural light on earth? The Sun
What are three sources of natural light that you have seen? Stars, lightening, and the sun.
 What is one source of natural light that you know about but that you haven't seen? The northern lights
What is moonlight? Sunlight bouncing off the moon onto Earth.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Novel Study - Little House in the Big Woods

Read the information sheet about the author of the novel.

Read aloud (taking turns) Chapter one of The Little House in the Big Woods.